A Gift of Art from Germany, Edward Gordan

Painting by Edward Gordon: “New Graffiti 3”

Need some inspiration for painting or just want to see something gorgeous? Look at the art of German Painter, Edward Gordon:

Painting by Edward Gordon “Morning Chill”

Cover of Edward Gordon's book

Sitting down to read



Edward Gordon’s “Painting Berlin”

Recently I was surprised by a wonderful delivery  to my mailbox.  Inside of it was a gift of art, and  the gift of friendship. I opened my package and found “Painting Berlin”, a  book of selected works from German artist  Edward Gordon.  Several years ago I came across one of his paintings featuring a woman in a black dress-Immediately I was completely enamored with him, and was left wanting more. Thankfully, he is a daily painter and so I can get my fix of his work often. He skillfully takes lights and darks and arranges them as to give maximum impact, yet with such subtlety. My eyes are drawn in and travel through the image again and again, not wanting to leave. Edward Gordon’s use of color is powerful, and  effective. It seems so thoughtful, yet the paintings come across as fresh. I feel such heart and depth in his paintings, I wonder how he accomplishes this in less than a day?! The paintings show his intimate relationship with the city and people of Berlin, and his ability to see the magic in even the most routine moments of life.

Open book on Gordon's painting

A lovely painting by Edward Gordon

His work can be viewed by going to http://edwardbgordon.blogspot.com

As you can probably tell, I was excited to get this gorgeous book, but not just for the those incredible paintings. My dear friend who sent this book to me, is a busy career woman, with three school aged children, and a full and active life. The fact that she thought about me, and then saw this book and knew me well enough to know I would love it and took the time to send it me in the US. Well, I just don’t know what I did to deserve such sweetness. THANK YOU


